
Purchasing and contracting professionals providing end-to-end supply chain management.

Our supply chain organization provides our clients with global sourcing and contracting services that are unmatched in the industry. With annual expenditures in excess of millions of Euros, we support large, complex projects in remote parts of the world using suppliers from more than 20 countries. We have the right processes, automation tools, market data, volume and skilled professionals to fulfill our commitment to our customers.

We focus on the responsible sourcing and safe delivery of quality goods and services from reliable and diverse suppliers and subcontractors where they are needed, on time and at the lowest total cost of ownership. Significant spending volume with an advanced market monitoring program that can be used to derive value for our customers by identifying global opportunities and reducing currency and price risks.

What we offer you;
  • Monitoring global markets
  • Import-export and compliance with the legislation
  • Inventory and warehouse management
  • Materials management
  • Property management
  • Purchase
  • Supplier Diversity
  • Supplier quality and store audits
  • Traffic and logistics
  • Travel Management